School of Arts & Science, (SAS)logo School of Arts & Science, (SAS)logo SAS_ISO School of Arts & Science, (SAS)logo Vinayaka Missions Research Foundation

Research Major Thrust Area

Research comprises "creative and systematic work undertaken to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of humans, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications.


    Department of English

  1. American Literature
  2. British Literature
  3. English Language and Literature
  4. Indian Writing in English and Commonwealth Literature

    Department of Mathematics

  1. Semigroups of linear operators and their applications, Functional differential equations, Galerkin approximations
  2. Homogenization and Variational methods for partial differential equation Functional inequalities on Sobolev space, Asymptotic analysis on changing domains
  3. Heat & Fluid Flow Analysis

    Department of Physics

  1. Solid-state Ionics, ion-conducting glassy
  2. Material science
  3. Nanomaterials

    Department of Chemistry

  1. Synthetic organic chemistry & Catalysis
  2. Materials Chemistry
  3. Medicinal Chemistry- Drug Discovery

    Department of Computer Science

  1. E-learning
  2. Computer Graphics, Pattern Recognition and Image Processing
  3. Artificial Intelligence
  4. Web Technologies & Ad-Hoc Wireless Area Network

    Department of Commerce

  1. Finance includng international finance
  2. Accounting including mamagement accounting
  3. International business
  4. Human resources Management
  5. Supply chain and retail Management

    Department of BBA

  1. Management and organizational behaviour
  2. Industrial relations
  3. Marketing management
  4. Entrepreneurship, development and Tourism and transport Management

To Dream Is Not Enough, To Dream And Achieve Is What Is Required

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Last Updated on: 26 March 2025