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About Placement

About Placement About Us

To maximize Industry- academic interactions for mutual benefit of industry, institution as well as for the students, a Centre for Industry Relations (CIR) is being constituted with Mr.Lakshmi mohan- Head. The activities and responsibilities of CIR will include the entire gamut of maximizing holistic interactions with industry professionals.The activities will include but is not limited to the below mentioned items:

  1. Placement and training cell
  2. Training centre to promote student higher progression (CAT,GATE,GRE,TOEFEL,UPSC, Banking Exams, Staff Selection, etc)
  3. Skill Development Centre: Initiate and implement adequate number of industry relevant skill training courses and to ensure better employability of students. SDC will execute in coordination with CDC to cater to competency development of faculty
  4. Industry Interaction Cell to maximize industry consultancy, industry supported courses and certifications, industry sponsored lab, adjunct professorship and advisors from industry, student internships, Faculty training in advanced facilities at industry joint research with industry etc.

Our Prestigious Recruiters

To Dream Is Not Enough, To Dream And Achieve Is What Is Required

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Last Updated on: 08 February 2025