School of Arts & Science, (SAS)logo School of Arts & Science, (SAS)logo SAS_ISO School of Arts & Science, (SAS)logo Vinayaka Missions Research Foundation
AVIT - Top Engineering College in Chennai, India



Rules & Regulations Rules & Regulations

Loss of Library ID Cards

Loss of Library ID cards should be reported immediately to the Central Library and ID Number will be blocked in the library to avoid misuse of the card. Duplicate cards will not be issued.

Issue and Return of Books

Circulation was computerized and a bar coding system was introduced to expedite the library transactions. Accordingly, all the faculty and students were issued bar-coded membership cards for access to the library. At the time of borrowing, the users are requested to show their ID cards for borrowing books. All the faculty members of the university can register themselves for membership of the library and borrow books. Books other than reference books will be issued to student members for a period of 10 days only. For staff members, the loan period is one month.

Borrowing Limits


  1. Five Books (5 Books) at a Time
  2. Lab Assistants - One Book
  3. System Administrator - One Book
  4. Supporting Staff - One Book


  1. Two Books (2 Books) at a Time (U.G)
  2. Five Books (5 Books) at a Time (P.G & Research Scholars)

Reference Books, Encyclopedias, Hand Books, Dictionaries, Periodicals, Student Project Report, Dissertations, Theses and Back Volumes will not be issued and ARE ONLY FOR REFERENCE.

One renewal will be permitted if there are no reservations against these books. For renewal, books have to be presented physically at the library counter.

Members, before leaving the counter must satisfy them as to whether the books, which they intend to borrow, are in good condition and any damage/marking should be immediately reported to the Librarian failing which the member to whom the book was issued will be held responsible.


Members are advised to return/ renew the books on or before the due date marked on the book. A borrowed book should be returned on the due date, failing which a penalty of 50 p /- will be collected as overdue charge per day.

An undue delay in returning the books will result in the cancellation of membership.

A repeated failure to return the books on time may lead to denial of borrowing facility.

Loss of Books

Loss of books, if any, should be reported immediately to the library and it should be replaced with a new copy along with a levy of overdue charges if any.

In case the borrower is unable to replace the books that are lost, he will be levied a penalty amounting to the latest price of the book plus 30% extra charges.


  1. All members should display their identity cards prominently and it should be produced to the security if required.
  2. Silence should be observed strictly inside the library. Most library users would appreciate silence.
  3. The users are expected to maintain a quiet atmosphere for study. They shall not engage in conversation in any part of the library so as not to cause annoyance to other readers.
  4. Books removed from the shelves for reading should be returned to their correct place. If you cannot find the right place on the shelf, kindly return the books to the counter or leave them on the reading tables after use. Tearing off pages, marking in pencil or ink on the books is a serious offence.
  5. Staff and Students are not permitted to consume food or beverage in the library.
  6. After reading, newspapers should be folded properly and kept in the designated place.
  7. Users are not allowed to take cuttings from newspapers. One can photo copy the articles that are required.
  8. Library users should "SWITCH OFF" their Mobile phones. Usage of cell phone is banned inside the library.
  9. The Librarian reserves the right to suspend the membership of any member found misbehaving, or abusing the Library staff or behaving in an indecent manner.
  10. Do remember to switch off the lights and fans after use.
  11. Files, folders, personal books and books already borrowed should be kept in the property counter provided at the entrance. These should not be taken in to the library.
  12. Bags, big handbags, raincoats, umbrellas, lab coats, jerkins and casual wear are strictly prohibited inside the library.
  13. The arrangement of chairs in the reading rooms should not be disturbed.
  14. Library users are strictly prohibited from taking borrowed and stamped books again inside the library. Fire extinguishers are available in the library. If you notice any fire/ smoke, please report to the librarian immediately.
  15. Access the e-resources regularly.
  16. The Library may accept the donation of manuscripts, books, periodicals etc. from donors. Such donations once accepted will become the absolute property of the College.
  17. A member shall be responsible for any damage done by him/ her to the books or other college property. He/ she will be required to replace the book or other damaged property.
  18. Misbehavior in the library will lead to cancellation of membership and also lead to serious disciplinary action.
  19. Any marking or writing inside the books by the members is strictly prohibited. If any damage/ marking is found, the member should replace the book.
  20. Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the decision of the authorities of the college in all matters shall be final and binding.

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Last Updated on: 28 March 2025